Pitch loop and pitch rate feedback loop are designed for the system to damp the oscillatory response produced by the TF system. 引入俯仰角和俯仰角速率反馈回路以增加阻尼,消除俯仰角振荡,最后对该系统进行了解耦性能和地形跟随仿真。
MIL-STD-1797A offers six different methods for evaluating the short-term pitch response. 军用标准1797A(MIL-STD-1797A)提供了6种不同的方法评估短周期俯仰响应。
In this paper, three specifications of pitch dynamic response in maneuvering flying are presented. In flying test of a J-7 aircraft, these judged criterions were measured and computed, so that these specifications are compared and proofed according to their suitability. 本文介绍了机动飞行中俯仰动态反应的三个判别准则,并通过J-7飞机的试飞,测量和计算了这些判据,以便比较和验证这三个准则的适用性。
Based on linear mathematical model the closed-loop control system is built with PID controller, and then pitch-regulated control simulation is performed. It is derived that opening pitch response speed is lower than closing pitch response speed in theory. 根据得出的线性化数学模型,采用PID控制器构建了闭环控制系统,并进行了变桨距控制仿真,在理论上得出了系统开桨响应速度滞后于关桨响应速度的结论。
First, robust autopilot for pitch and roll channel is designed using mixed-sensitivity method, so that it performs a good response feature and has a good stability in a large flight envelope. 首先,采用混合灵敏度理论设计俯仰和滚转通道自动驾驶仪,以保证弹体在大空域范围内有较好的指令响应特性和稳定性。
However, the roll and pitch response of Spar is perfect and comparable with that of the TLP when the peak period of random waves is low. Spar的纵摇和横摇运动响应与低频随机波浪的峰值周期下的张力腿平台相比更加完美。